Friday, September 27, 2013

The Epiphany

I woke up on Wednesday September 25, 2013 and decided that I was going to take my life back. I didn't want to live one more moment walking around in life in my present state. While coming off of a relationship break-up last February, I have been slowly but surely making some changes anyway, but not enough to really do any good overall. This was going to take drastic measures. This was going to be life changing. Somehow, I have let myself be last for so long, that I was no longer functioning on an even keel. Most days I go to bed tired, wake up tired and have a general overall feeling of "I feel like shit" going on. Most Americans do I think. Somehow I need to find a way to get back my life and my health and it starts now. Right now. This is my journey. Stay tuned.